TruLaser 5060
Fiber Machines with Loading and unloading
and Part sorting (Qty.2)
The TruLaser 5030 fiber, TruLaser 5040 fiber, and TruLaser 5060 fiber impress with their high processing speed and reproducible, high part quality – even for complex contours. You can achieve excellent feed rates thanks to the solid-state laser with up to 12 kW laser power. Clever assistant systems make the complete machining process more productive and reliable than ever. Operator involvement is low; non-productive times are minimal.

TruLaser 3060
Fiber Machines with Loading and unloading (Qty.2)
with Loadmaster Loading only (Qty.6)
TruLaser 3030 fiber, TruLaser 3040 fiber, TruLaser 3060 fiber and TruLaser 3080 fiber – the fast machines for all your cutting tasks. They impress with their high level of flexibility and cost-effectiveness: You can cut all sheet thickness profitably. The TruDisk solid-state laser enables the processing of non-ferrous metals and provides you with a productivity benefit in thick and thin sheet. BrightLine fiber guarantees the highest edge quality and facilitates part removal. Numerous other functions ensure the highest reliability and performance possible.

CO2 TruLaser 8000
This Trumpf TruLaser 8000 Laser Cutting Machine was manufactured in Germany in the year 2013. It has 32628 hours of laser on, which 14316 hours are beam on. This machine can cut steel sheets up to 25 mm of thickness with a laser power of 6 kW. it is operated with a Siemens SINUMERIK 840 D SL control unit.

Trubend 5320
The TruBend Series 5000 TRUMPF’s most successful bending machine worldwide. This means from programming, to setup, to bending, production productivity will be unmatched. Innovative features such as the lower tool displacement and the 6-axis backgauge provide you with complete production freedom. The operator’s work is made easier by numerous innovations such as the control concept, which is a revolution in its simplicity and intuitive use, as well as new solutions in the field of ergonomics, such as the MagicShoe.

Trubend 3180
The TruBend Series 3000 brings together the best TRUMPF quality with simple operation and an attractive price-performance ratio. This means you can manufacture economically even in low utilization, and profit from precise results as well as the highest safety standards. Through the perfect interaction of all components, the TruBend Series 3000 machines are the fastest bending machines in their class.

Press Brake EHT 800- 80
The customized high-performance VarioPress is EHT’s premium product: Each press
is adapted to meet your individual needs, and fulfills precisely the criteria that you define. Whereby it is always highly accurate and offers particularly simple operation. For perfect results from the first bended part.
High-tech made easy. Programming is easier than ever thanks to the new and user-friendly EPC-Touch control system.